Alicia Leigh; business coach for the woman ready to start up or scale up her online endeavor while freeing up more time to still do the things she loves. From Automation to Client Acquisition, we dive into the strategies that created over 1 million in sales across 4 businesses for yours truly. Lets get doing.
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
How To Manage And Move With Fear
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
What if fear was an automatic catalyst for growth?
What if you could do everything you want to do and you could have everything you want to have with fear by your side?
So many so-called motivational speakers out there are speaking on the topic of becoming fearless.
But, what if there is no such thing as living fearlessly?
What if that was actually a detriment to your safety?
And, what if the converse was MORE true... what if living WITH fear was actually the most realistic, rational, AND functional way to move forward and create success?
In this episode, I dive into how doing big things actually happens, how you actually move through and to the end goal.
In this episode, I tell you exactly how I've done it all.
Every. Single. Thing. that I have set mind out there to do...
WITH fear. ALONGSIDE fear.
AND how I have actually utilized fear to my benefit; to my growth, and YOU can too!
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If you loved this podcast, help share it with more ambitious female entrepreneurs in their pursuit of big things. Leave a quick review, let us know what you took away from this. Not only do I personally appreciate it, but I know others will when they're better able to find this podcast and the much needed information spoken here.
So, thank you for taking a minute, from me and from them.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Business is Business, right?
Once you've built one, you can build them all?
No, but there are definitely a similarity in the actions it takes to build one, or three!
In this really tactical episode, I'm going to teach you my 4 part profit system to compounding success (TMpending).
This IS for the "in it to win it" kind of woman who is ready to truly start showing up consistently, knowing that the business and income she has been wishing for is on the other side of just 4 daily action steps.
This is NOT for the woman who wants a quick win or a get rich quick system, because truth be told... that doesn't exist. But, what does exist, is a get consistent and get rich in your own time and on your own timeline system.
So, if you're more of the first and none of the later, then this is going to be the episode for you. Dive in, show up to grow up and let's get this needle ACTUALLY moving forward.
Episodes mentioned:
Episode 13: The Untold Story: How Did I End Up Here?
Episode 20: Consumption Vs. Creation And Why Some Are Passing You By In Income and Impact
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Connect with the host Alicia Leigh:
Before you go, I want to remind you that what helps me, helps you! Leave us a review and tag us on instagram so we know you're listening... and also for a chance to win a 25.00 gift card! *Sharing is caring* and we SO appreciate it!
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
{Guest} Why Taking Care of You Should Be At The Top of Your Business Checklist
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Do you ever feel like you're last wo(man) on the total pole? Do you feel drained at the thought of pouring out into another human tomorrow, knowing how much you gave today? Do you just feel like somewhere along the way, you got lost in the shuffle of life and business and juggling it all?
Well, lady... you're not alone. Join the club of caring, thoughtful, servant driven women out there who've somehow forgotten to put their masks on in the chaos and they're wondering why they ran out of air.
This is an epidemic in the world, but it's even more exacerbated by the layers of business, the responsibilities of such, and the desire to impact outside the confines of your family (with whom you love dearly but you also need something for you, right?) So, here's the thing...
Every piece of this is a decision. Every bit of your life is a choice, either past or present. So, you get to own the ones gone and now living, and you get to live out new ones by choosing differently in the present.
NOW, let's dive into this heartfelt episode with Lindsey Mease, self care guru, mindset coach, and an extreme advocate for loving yourself at all stages.
To Connect with Lindsey Mease:
To Connect with your host Alicia Leigh:
To join the FREE mastermind where you get coaching as the next up and coming SHE-E-O and you get to practice coaching if you're looking to be one, become one, or hone your skills as one: HERE
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Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
{Guest} Why Chasing Clients Doesn't Work But Attracting Them Does
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
>>>Have you ever just wanted something so bad that you felt like you were staring it down so hard, you could burn a hole right through it?
>>>Remember back to that middle school crush and how badly you wanted him to like you, so you sent him notes and chased him around and to no avail, he didn't reciprocate?
>>>Have you ever seen a dog who's name has been called, isn't adhering to the "come here" command, and the owner then proceeds to charge at it with intense emotion... and the dog runs off in the opposite direction, creating the non-response originally desired?
I think it may be... because in all of these instances... you are proactively chasing something...
Because, If I learned nothing else from horror movies, I know that being chased is in fact a scary thing. It's usually followed by death and dismemberment, right?
So, why then do we feel it's okay, even the best option to chase down our ideal clients like our middle school crush or that runaway pup or the victim of the next chainsaw massacre?
Now, I know it's NOT because we have ill intentions... I know it's because we see this as the best and only option from the place we are at in a state of longing and desperation.
I know this... because I've been there and I know the exhaustion that chasing creates and the freedom that allowance and manifestation bring instead. So, I am so excited to have a guest on today who helps women create this shift from running them down to drawing them in and from chasing to magnetizing.
So, let's dive in and do bigger things in this world.
Here's how to connect with Juliana:
Spiritual Badassery and Business Mastery
Connect with your host, Alicia Leigh:
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Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
How saying "NO" gets you to six figures... FASTER.
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
With all of the hype out there in the internet world with regards to hitting 6 figures in your business... I can assuredly say that THIS is the one change to make, and the ONE thing that will propel you forward in that direction faster than ANY other tip, trick or tactic. Master this and will change not only the trajectory of your business, but your entire life.
Let's dive in!
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Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Consumption Vs. Creation and Why Some Are Passing You By in Income and Impact
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
SHE-E-O's of the world... my online service based biz babes who are rising to be the woman who takes her time back, she who leads herself, and you who charges what you're worth...
<~~>Hear me when I say, you have everything you need to be successful in what you want to do exactly what you want to do right here and right now.
So, for those of you who are stuck in imposter syndrome, asking yourself what else you need to know and learn and have in order to actually serve... because "who are you to do this work as you are now?" ....THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU.
For those of you who are stuck in option overload, because Who-sie who said you should do what-sie what and So-sie so said you should do something else... THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU.
For those of you who are drained in decision fatigue, staring at the multitudes of options OR you find yourself downloading the next freebie in some attempt to "put it together"... you know, that graphic or logo or branding image or blog post or website... THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU.
Because, there is a consumption vs creation conundrum going on in the world today and THIS EPISODE addresses it head on. If you find yourself consuming more than you create... THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU.
-->>>DIVE into this layered episode of goodness on top of goodness in the form of "get it done and move forward" through my story and my own action steps.
-->>>And when you're done, SCREEN SHOT your listening device and tag us on instagram for a chance to win 25.00 EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.
Ready to create your customized action plan to get un-stuck from the muck that is holding you back? CLICK HERE for your personalized clarity call to rise and start running.
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**Dont forget to rate, review, and share this podcast so that more SHE-E-O's can find us and hear this episode.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
((Strategy)) What do you ACTUALLY need to create a successful online business?
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
If you took the advice of every facebook ad, instagram ad, coach and host, you would be flat broke buying ALL of the courses and systems and perfecting your messaging and following every path handed to you, you would be confused, overwhelmed, and probably flat broke.
And yet, I totally understand the pull toward it ALL.
If you're just starting out, the advice seems like an answer to your lack of knowing. It's a marketing tactic that feeds on such. Are there ill intentions, NO. But could you possibly get getting something you don't actually need, YES.
If you're in the muck of it, you're stuck as hell and you're craving the impact and income after working it all, doing the "right" things, listening to the "gurus," then your pain point is their selling point. But, the question is, will the solution really provide what you need for your business in its simplest form?
Because i'm here to tell you, simplicity sells. As someone who has spent a lot of time and money in the past OVER doing it only to realize that the BEST way to build a business is to focus in on what you ACTUALLY need, not what they SAY you need.
So, in this episode, I pull back the curtain and let you in on TWO online marketing spaces in which I have created multiple 6 figure businesses in, and set you up for success with the simplified list of actual needs to build the biz of your dreams.
Episodes mentioned:
Episode 9: What the heck is an ideal client?
Episode 10: NAIL down your NICHE and make more MONEY
Get your personalized strategy plan to FINALLY start or scale your biz:
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**Dont forget to rate, review and share this podcast so that more SHE-E-O's can find us and hear this episode.
Friday Jan 10, 2020
The RISE From Entrepreneur to SHE-E-O
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
My darling entrepreneur, I know your heart. I know how much you truly want to create an impact and how much you desire to create a real, reliable, sustainable income with your service-based abilities. And yet, because it's "not happening" for you yet, you feel like there is something missing in your delivery, your content, your branding, your systems...But in this episode, we discuss one of the KEY elemental shifts that creates the true RISE from entrepreneur to SHE-E-O status.
What is a SHE-E-O?
Imagine the CEO of a fortune 500 company. Imagine that CEO is a SHE. That's just the start of the descriptive vision of a true SHE-E-O who not only leads from the top, leads by example, and makes the money they deserve for the responsibility they take on. ALL while creating the ability to work less in the online space than those hustling to rise.
Dive into this leadership level-up of an episode and when you're done, or hell, when you feel pulled... CLICK HERE to schedule your call and begin YOUR personalized RISE to the top.
Connect with your host, Alicia Leigh
Instagram: Coach_AliciaLeigh
Instagram: ShesDoingBigThings
Rise to SHE-E-O with the other members of the FREE SHE-E-O on facebook HERE
Find this Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean and GooglePlay
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
{Guest} The ANTI- RESOLUTION Method For Financial Success in 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Have you started thinking through your New Year’s Resolution? ...and suddenly you remember how last year’s turned out, or the year before?
How long does a resolution last or how often do they come to fruition?
In this episode, for those of you wanting to finally take control or regain control of your finances... the ANTI-RESOLUTION and this guest will allow you to officially do just that. What if setting a goal created the life pattern that allowed you to finally feel not just good but GREAT about how you spend and save your money? What if the answer was as simple as a 3-sided triangle that created peace of mind and an easy yes?
Dive in and we will show you how this is more than just possible.
GUEST: Nicole Stork-Hestad is a financial coach who allows couples, families and individuals finally feel good about the money they not only keep, but spend as well. She’s a passionate mother, coach and expert in money and helping others.
How to contact Nicole:
instagram: CONNECT HERE
What she offers: One-on-one coaching and coming summer 2020 a program to help you manage your financial goals and take control of your saving and spending.
Connect with Alicia:
instagram: CONNECT HERE
facebook: CONNECT HERE
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
{Guest} Elevate Your Message and Command More Money
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Often in business, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned vet, you will at some point ask yourself the very inevitable question of "How do I make more money with one offer?" So, in keeping with this episode, it seems to me that we should answer this question for you; and, by "we," I mean, I will bring on a woman who seems to be quite the expert in just that. As a multiple six-figure earner, Jessica Yarbrough is well educated in the ways and means of attaining high ticket clients. Her coaching packages, along with that of her clients start at 10k and go up to 62k in one sha-bang.
Now, imagine the expertise you have, the coaching you provide and ask yourself, how would I elevate my message along with my service to match such a price tag?
That is exactly what Jessica coaches on and in.
Jessica and I met on LinkedIn after she 1. liked my episode "Nail That Niche and Make More Money" and after seeing my Outsourced Accelerator Package; my high ticket, coaching and done-for-you service for the online service based entrepreneur who's ready to take their time back, delegate like a boss, live in their zone of genius, do only that which feels good and command more money. After speaking with Jessica, not only am I sure of my pricing for this package, but i'm sure that the price will steadily increase to become the white glove experience that the high achieving entrepreneurs have come to know from me.
So, in this episode, you will surely get to decide the same for your business, your pricing, and the elevation of your own message to match such. Dive in, and rise.
Episodes mentioned:
How to follow and connect with Jessica Yarbrough:
Jessica's Freebie:
Free 4-Part Video Series Designed to Take You to Half a Million in a Year-->>
How to connect with your Host, Alicia Leigh:
Instagram She's Doing Big Things
Instagram Alicia Leigh
Podcast giveaways:
25.00 gift cards EACH MONTH:
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Tag us in your "She's Doing Big Things and Tuning In" story on Instagram @ShesDoingBigThings
100.00 gift cards each quarter AND a podcast guest spot:
Send us your business creation story @ShesDoingBigThings to win the 2020 story teller award, the gift card, and a podcast guest spot.